Why You Should Choose Odoo ERP

Why You Should Choose Odoo ERP
07/19/2020 Comments Off on Why You Should Choose Odoo ERP ERP Solution Topic badewanto

Odoo is an open source business application software that includes CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Project Management, Sales (Sales), Manufacturing, Warehouse, and Financial Management and others.

The things that can be provided by Odoo as an open source ERP system application include, having complete features & community support, the application system platform is modular and continues to be modified along with updated technology, has a very TCO (Total Cost Ownership). low where this type of cost ownership calculation is designed to help consumers and corporate managers calculate the costs and benefits associated with purchasing IT components directly and indirectly and are easily customized.


  • Founded: 2002, Fabien Pinckaeres, Belgium
  • OS: Windows, MacOS, Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
  • Tech Stack: Python, PostgreSql, NodeJs, Javascript
  • Web Base
  • Enterprise Vs Community
  • Mobile & Tablet friendly (Enterprise)
  • Online/Cloud & Premises
  • Current Version: Odoo 13
  • Module: CMS, eCommerce, Point of Sales, Marketing, CRM, Project Management, Purchase, Accounting, Warehouse, MRP, Human Resources and more


Odoo Competitive Advantage


Beni dewanto